NHA On-Call Services- 15 HMO's: Navajo Nation-Wide
As part of on-call services, IDS+A was selected to conduct physical needs assessments of NHA’s 15 Housing Management Offices (HMO) in Arizona and New Mexico; the buildings include Chinle, Dilcon, Fort Defiance, Ganado, Kayenta, Pinon, Tuba City, Crownpoint, Navajo, Ojo Amarillo, Pinehill, Shiprock, Thoreau, Tohajiilee and Tohatchi HMO’s. NHA is subject to the 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requiring that accessibility and adaptability be in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). During the on-site visual assessment, priorities were given to accessible approach and entrance, access to all goods and services, access to public toilets, access to other items such as water fountains and public telephones, accessible slopes, parking spaces, and clear door width. In addition to the ADA assessment, architectural, mechanical, electrical, structural and civil engineering assessments were completed using tablets with a customized application. Upon completion of the report and cost estimates, IDS+A will finish the construction documents to renovate and mediate the deficiencies for all buildings.
Owner: Navajo Housing Authority | Location: Navajo Nation-wide