Iyanbito Chapter Tract Master Plan: Iyanbito, NM

The Master Development Plan for the Iyanbito Chapter provided analysis of a 6.55 acre tract, where the Iyanbito Chapter House currently resides, and propose the developmental framework for future projects aimed at ensuring the Chapter’s viability to provide new, exciting resources for the community. The Master Development Plan was prepared as the culmination of analysis of existing data as well as the generation of recommendations for goals pertaining to Site Layout, Phasing, Infrastructure Analysis, and a Probable Cost Estimate.

With the growing need to provide a new Chapter facility, the Iyanbito Chapter chose to work with Indigenous Design Studio + Architecture (IDS+A) in a community-involved design process that would be reflective of the Chapter’s identity, vision, and goals. The overall site strategy of this Master Development Plan is replace the majority of existing structures and site development with a unified community core that will present a Multi-Use Chapter House Building, future buildings, and outdoor spaces that have a grounding in the essence of Iyanbito’s history, culture, and values.


Owner: Iyanbito Chapter | Location: Iyanbito, NM